If, like me, you were named backwards then you’ll understand why I go by “Dev”.

I create stories and artwork that explore universal themes such as personal identity and found family. I stand for creative expression of ideas and affirmative storytelling, because all of us should be comfortable in our own skin and welcomed by those around us.

Dev’s Rule Number One:

Nobody gets to tell you who you are, not your folks, not your friends, not a teacher or a priest or anybody else. Only you get that right.

I’ve been a security guard, a typesetter, an author of obituaries, a designer of graphics, and a whole host of other less glamorous jobs that left me with a ton of useless skills, but kept me from starving while I pursued my real passion, telling stories. See throughout my life I’ve been an artist, a writer, a gamemaster… basically I spent as much time envisioning other worlds as I did living in our own. Basically, life prepared me for a career as a storyteller.

And that’s what I live to do, tell stories of the worlds I create and the people that live there. Sometimes, it’s a far-flung future sometimes it’s just down the block… but there’s a few things all my stories have in common.

First, I believe whole-heartedly in the power of family, both the family we’re born with and the family we choose for ourselves. Also,my characters are people, they ain’t perfect, they’re not always gonna get it right. But they’re always true to themselves. Remember Dev’s rule Number One: nobody get to tell you who you are, not your folks, not your friends, not a teacher or a priest or anybody else. Only you get that right.

So! You’ve hung in this long, what’s here for you? Well you can see more information about the worlds of my stories on the Worlds page, info on the Books I’ve published on that page, a link to my Patreon where I post all kinds of advanced goodies for folks, or you can find my twitter profile or send me an email (I’m old, I still use email).

Thanks for visiting, I hope you enjoy your stay.

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