The world of Flame and Claw is filled with oddball misfits, most of whom are not what they seem. That nice young family that moved in down the street? He's a troll, she's a dryad. That angelic man on the TV news? The halo might actually be real.

Immortals are real, and they walk the streets hidden from our eyes. That doesn't mean that everybody's more than meets the eye. Most are just ordinary vanilla Mortals. A few of us are clued in to the presence of legends among humanity, but not many.

The Immortals fall into one of four camps: the Angels, keepers of Light; the Demons, the tenders of the Dark; the Dragon, who oversees the balance between the two; and the Others, beings to whom some piece of the power of the natural world is given to oversee and maintain. At least, that's how it worked until the war began. The Angels sundered the Dragon, and now seven Shards of his essence are all that remain to protect mortal kind from the overwhelming power of light.

  • The Shards of the Dragon

    Mortals whose souls each bear a piece of the Dragon. Shunned by other Immortals, the Shards are Mortalkind's only hope of avoiding becoming slaves of the Angels.

    • Sara Osborne Our plucky heroine. Sara, a wandering samurai of the road, is about to be drawn into a secret war between Immortals.

    • Rock Rock has secrets older than our civilization, but then, the old wizard is over ten thousand years old...

    • Lucy Okuda Lucy is Rock's sargeant and looks like the epitome of the term 'badass biker chick'. But she's also got a heart of gold, and it's half the size of Texas. She takes care of the Shards, and keeps the team together.

    • Patrick Fisher Patrick is a kindhearted lawyer with wings and a cool car. Every team of magical heroes needs one, right?

    • Cameron “Cam” Williams Cam is both the youngest, and physically strongest member of the team. If his adopted big sister Lucy is the heart of the Shards, Cam is the strong right (and left) arms.

  • The Angels, keepers of Light

    • Gabriel, Lord of the Angels It was he who began the war between the Immortals. Proud and unyielding, Gabriel firmly believes that the Angels are the pinnacle of all life, and therefore all must serve them. He sees Mortals as a food source, not as living beings.
      The only soft spot in his existence, is his love for the half-mad seeress, Zaphkiel.

    • Michael, commander of all the Angelic forces Michael is Gabriel's right hand being. A student of war since the dawn of creation, Michael is possibly the most fearsome combatant in the entire world.
      Once, he commanded multitudes, now his 'army' is down to this small handfull of Angels. Or, is it?

    • Radueriel A mysterious being who is key to Gabriel's plans for mortal kind.

    • Zaphkiel, Gabriel's beloved mad seeress Zaphkiel is gifted, or cursed, with sight into the timestream itself- all of possibility all at once. This overwhelming power means Zaphkiel can see the future, but often cannot communicate what she sees without resorting to metaphor and imagery.

    • Azreal, the inky light which dwells in shadow AAlso known as the Blackfeather, Azreal is Gabriel's master spy. Slippery and cunning, Azreal is not one to whom you should turn your back. He utterly despises Michael, and the two have vied for their Lord Gabriel's favor since the beginning of knowledge.

    • The Talons: Lesser Angels who do their lord's dirty work.

    • Kushiel - Angel of Suffering
    • Jehoel - Angel of Fire
    • Nuriel - Angel of Ice
  • The Demons, stewards of Dark

    • Allocer
    • Iblis
    • Baal
  • Notable Humans, and maybe some not-so-humans

    • Nick Osborne, Sara's brother.
    • Maria Garcia-Flores
    • Todd
    • Hector
    • Carmen
    • Amy
    • Melissa
    • Father Gilbert

Page design, text, and images © Copyright 2022 , Devlin James.